Thursday, September 3, 2009


Normally, I wouldn't dare post anything Fox News related on this blog, but when I saw this video I felt it was relevant to share. For anyone that is familiar with Glenn Beck and his asinine commentary, it is very clear that he is beyond misinformed. If you find yourself watching even a minute of his show you will probably witness one of his many tirades or meltdowns.

Whatever the case may be, Beck now believes that he is an art historian/critic and took it upon himself to explain how a few public art pieces are linked to Communism, Fascism and Progressives (as if the three have everything to do with one another). This is exactly how false information is spread. I'm sure this man has little to no knowledge about art, yet he speaks as if he does. To witness the insanity, check out the video above. Also, be sure to check out Christopher Knight's commentary on Culture Monster.

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